Summary and Suggestions

Despite the distance between Indonesia and the Philippines, we managed to travel there safe and sound. We had to take two flights to get there, one from Indonesia to Manila and the other from Manila to Iloilo. We used a fiber boat to cross the Iloilo river on our way to Guimaras Province, specifically the town of Buenavista, and land transportation going to Guimaras State University. It was indeed a complete travel. Our first arrival at Buenavista, Guimaras with Dr. Joel Japitana, the Director of International Linkages, Guimaras State University My purpose in joining the Seateacher is to observe, practice, and learn about education outside my country, and it's complete now. Not only about the education, I also got the chance to learn about the culture and environment and got to know the people closely. Besides that, I got new stories, new memories, and new families. The essence of joining the Seateacher Programme is full of experiences. The practice teaching that I did at both scho...